Thursday, June 12, 2008

day in the life of june howard

As I sit here, bashing my head on my desk at work. Wondering why am I still here still at work after my hour.. And then I realized that this is wack! I buy sneakers and clothes to fill out my pain because it something missing in my life. And I would like to obtain someday. My father is 83 years old and he is rushing me to settle down with a lady. But that's all bad luck because all these girls just want to be hoez . Well not all of them it just rackz my brain. I'm bout to be 25 on june 25th its like taken a big step in my life

1 comment:

Dymzstyling said...

June Howard I leave a comment to give you hope that your queen is out there someday -working just as hard. Obama's President that means anything is virtually possible within this wide wide world- Keep hope alive.