"From Our Lips to God's Ears!"
Hi folks, this is Cleen (your favorite rapper) and this here is the eighth of 12 monthly blog installments just to let you, our fans, know what we LFTBers are up to. I just wanna start out by saying, sorry this is so late...but late is good! It's late because we're busy, and busy is better than lazy & doing nothing, right?
Cleen - Let's see here. I actually have something to write this month (yes!!!) Well, I'll be featured on the new cd's by 2Mex and Rheteric, but sadly, both of those cd's won't see the light of day until the end of the year, or possibly the start of next year. But I did record songs with them, and I just finished writing the last song to the 'Well' e.p. I made with Demune. In the meantime, my mixtape is very close to being released...I promise.
Morb One - My hat's off to Morb, he stays busy all the time. Along with the '4 Horsemen' e.p., his upcoming Elephant Gerald-produced mixtape and his Man Bites Dog full length cd, him and June Howard are working with Hip-Hop Apostles bringing quality Hip-Hop shows to Fullerton every other Thursday, under the name Fre$h Kut Ave.
Elephant Gerald and DJ Stereotype - I'm putting these 2 together once again, because...well, if you've ever seen them on stage together, you know why. Elephant Gerald has stayed active, inspired by our upcoming 4 Horsemen project, as well as Morb's mixtape. And Goody is still the oil that keeps the well-oiled LFTB machine running.
Ofcelfe - Back in the production game, Ofcelfe is reportedly making so many new beats, he and his wife are already asking me to drop by Denver for a visit. I'll get there just as soon as I can Kev! Expect me to come home with enough beats for a new cd (just kidding...maybe) but until that happens, look for him to contribute a beat or two to the '4 Horsemen' project.
Plural Clarity - I received an e-mail from Clarity just last week, where he told me about some of the new concepts, hooks and song ideas he had. One thing I love about Clarity, he stays busy, no matter what. Still $aving for his mpc, still writing and still waiting for the release of 'Clarification', as are all of us.
Demune - Demune and I are nearly complete with our e.p. 'Well', I just finished writing the last song on it. I really can't stress enough how much people will like 'Well', I wish it was done and out right now. In the meantime, pick up his latest cd: 'Crossbreeding and Grafting/Fossils'...it should hold you over. It's available in America, as well as Germany, France and Tokyo. Yeah boyyyy!!!
June Howard - Working 2 jobs to support his habit (haha, his habit being MUSIC, stupid!) June stays busy as well. Committing himself to Fre$h Kut Ave, J.U.I.C.E. as well as LFTB, June's work ethic alone makes him fit right in with us.
Precise1 - Still holding down Palm Springs/Desert Hot Springs & Palm Desert, Precise is always working as well. What makes him stand out though, is his modesty. Down with 2 crews (Soundtribe, and Ancient Stance) as well as LFTB, dude's one of the coolest, most chill people you'll ever speak to. The fact that he's a dope rapper is just a bonus.
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I'm pleased to announce that The Beat Bums cd 'Bummen For Beats vol. 1' is now available on iTunes!!! Courtesy of Fre$h Kut Ave....
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