Its been a long time since I wrote a complete blog in like in ages. But let me give a brief on whats been going down around me. Well to start off, I just started working under the holy grail,los angeles own sneaker temple. I met the owner while i was going to erotica the porn convention( dont ask why , and no im not a perv). He mention he needed help with the soled out show that he had booked with epmd . So me and him became comrads and in the process of that i met liz and edgar. So now we are a official clique and i represent Holy Grail.
During the promotion of the epmd show . the show i had got cancelled due to venue differences. Turn out the crash mansion had a big beef with the city. There Liquor License has been revoked and they end firing there whole staff. so theres no more
crash mansion as i speak.
Sneaker Pimps is this friday I can't wait and i'm excited public enemy and ghostface killah . Its going to popp off , and this will be my first ever Sneaker Pimps Show. 
Now back to business for fresh kut ave., i've been searching for models and it hasnt been hard to find them. But i've been soul searching and i found this very attractive creature. Her name is Brenna, Too bad she is married. because i know its like a bunch of dudes are in line to woo her. She's actually a sweetheart, i met her at the eye candy expo. And usually when you go to model conventions you catch them snobby ass girls who just want you to pay them (i call it the fuck you pay me syndrome). I honor the hustle but damn beezies act like your vagi dont stink. but heres a picture of brenna and you be the judge she is pretty too me and i got nothing but love for her.

This just in @ 2:16pm Rumor is in there saying evidence of dilated people and the alchemist(producer for mobb deep,dilated people,etc) That they are making a group called "Kids Incorporated"..Whoa! where did this come from? didnt we hear a whole album with Mr.Slow Flow and The ALC? I mean it will be mad dope to hear another classick lp! But the name caught me off guard . When i think of that, i think of Fergie from the black eye peas because thats where that flat-ass chick came from when it comes to kids incorporated. but big shouts out to EV and ALC..

Well Im Signing off .. So I'll Holla