Hey ive been working a whole lot lately and one thing i set on doing was that i was going draw in my new blackbook and Showcase it on the net. i know im not a obey,mearone,or a picasso. So i made a list of people and friends that i wanted to showcase in my work. Jack Davey kid cudi jasmin daddy kev cleen blu pacific division nikki jean pete rock jean grae kalf life some models and thats about it. but look what i got so far and tell me what you think
As I'm sittin here at work pickin' my nose. 6 in the morning and the guy who suppose to relieve me sends me a text tellin me that I need to hold it down for him and that he will be here b4 10am . I've been up all night, I feel like going home. Oh well its money. I got new photos from my photoshoot I had with kalf they came out so dope ..
Hey you spacecadets, finally I'm in a good mood. I'm so happy I got my tickets for soled out presents pete rock vs. Dj premier dj battle. Today I waited on the ups guy to deliver the tickets to my house . And you know I work graveyard from 10 to 6am so you know when I get home I go straight to sleep. Well I stayed up once those tickets were in hand .. But also at work I finally got my official days off which is friday and saturday(whoooo hoo) . I'm not moopin' and I feel great.and if you don't like it kiss my ass! You are salty beezie.
What's the dealy yo?! I've been coolin' out lately these couple weeks since a lot that has been changing. Playin' the xbox a whole lot lol..well I got a invester for fresh kut ave. A lot of people ask what is fresh kut ave exactly? Well since august I was using it as a promotional company to build the name around l.a. For hip hop shows. And believe me it has work. We got a lot from a lot of artist and people that appreciatte it. At the time I began forming fresh kut . I put together a photoshoot with a couple of my friends and model girls that I build with. That became real dope. So now I got this investor. He wants me to make a business plan. But I have my business partner his name is mike. Well I would like start off by making clothes for fresh kut ave which is totally great idea and that way it will generate cake but I also do music which will help out in the long run that way I can form up dough to put out my music and make fresh kut a label. But mike wants to just make it music. I just feel like he doesn't listen to me. Its a big oppurtunity for us because the guy offered it to us. But I'm not going to depend on my music because people come and people go in the music in the game. I don't want to label as none of that. Its like russian roullette
Well my name is june, im from los angeles born and raised. Raised in the house by mom. kept my eyes and ears to the tele and radio. grow up on r&b and hip hop. right now i just work to live for music .